August 11, 2022
Hello Stranger
If you happened to miss it, FE’s own Hello Stranger (located at 320 E 2nd Street) was featured in the Los Angeles Times! Our dear friend Angela Romero pays homage to low rider car culture in Los Angeles in this hole-in-the wall restaurant and music venue AND non-profit. It was especially meaningful to Fast Eddie and so many members of our team to work on a project that helps foster and preserve LA’s amazing Latine culture. We worked hard to obtain a CUP, a Dance Hall permit, and the transfer of a Type 47 for Romero. Find out more about this soon to be LA institution by visiting their website here.
July 18, 2022
Restaurant Beverage Program (RBP) Webinar
A big thank you to all of the attendees to our amazing Restaurant Beverage Program webinar, hosted on April 18th! Fast Eddie and Manny Diaz spoke at length, digging deep into the nit and grit of one of Los Angele’s most recent policy roll outs. We covered everything from eligibility to council districts so that our best local restaurateurs can get their over the counter alcohol approval ASAP. The City of LA’s RBP Program enables restaurants compliant with pre-written conditions to obtain their Beer and Wine or Alcohol licenses much faster (and much cheaper) than the current CUP process. Unfortunately, some Council Members have yet to vote on approving RBP in their district. It’s important to take action and let … Continued
February 26, 2021
FE Advocacy: Emergency Ordinance Passes PLUM Committee
We did it. When we come together and use our collective voice, we can achieve what it is that we need. The Planning & Land Use Management Committee of Los Angeles City Council approved the Emergency Ordinance (CF 20-0380-S1) with our urged amendments and even MORE. Big thanks to all who sent in letters of support and showed up to speak during Tuesday’s PLUM meeting call. While this is a huge victory, the fight is not yet over. This Ordinance still needs to be heard and approved by the full City Council before it goes into effect. Before this can happen, the final ordinance needs to be drafted by City Attorney, Mike Feuer. Join us in calling on the city … Continued
February 11, 2021
FE Advocacy: Why Restaurants Need This Emergency Ordinance to Pass
This would allow existing and new operators to remodel, expand and start anew in any existing building regardless of local zoning restrictions. This will further help decrease city staff time in deciphering complicated parking restrictions during the plan check process. The second part of this Ordinance will automatically renew your Conditional Use Permit (City Alcohol Permit or CUP) if expired during COVID-19, and therefore, postponing costly permit and professional legal fees until after the closures have been retracted. If you’ve ever been challenged by impossible parking requirements to open your businesses, then you know that this is big news. But we need the inclusion of patios so that this Ordinance addresses post-COVID dining culture needs. All Al Fresco permits will … Continued
January 14, 2021
Reflections from Fast Eddie Going into 2021
2020 impacted all of us, but most commonly, it has introduced us to an opportunity for Change. As we are all beginning the new year, I reflect on who I am: I earned the name “Fast Eddie” at age 16, performing at Raji’s in Hollywood as a touring punk-rock drummer. Then in my early 20s, I was an undefeated-champion bike jouster on the streets of 7th and Santa Fe, while for work, I barbacked at the infamous Three Clubs. The LA artist community has always been close to my heart, inspired first by an LA underground rock-club institution called Jabberjaw. Constantly getting shut down by the Fire Marshall, I used my day job as a kitchen designer to research its … Continued
November 18, 2020
Action Needed: City Considers Over-the-Counter Alcohol Permits
Tomorrow, City Council (PLUM) will FINALLY hear the Restaurant Beverage Program. This is an over-the-counter, extremely less expensive process for alcohol permits (CUB). The ordinance is inclusive of full liquor privileges making it accessible to existing full liquor operators looking to make changes to their operations. We have been fighting for this item since 2017. Now, more than ever, we need for this to be approved! Neighborhood councils strongly oppose it and will show up to tomorrow’s meeting. We NEED the restaurant community to show up to push this forward. For anyone of you who have had to sit through a neighborhood council meeting, hire an expensive expeditor, wait 1-2 years for your CUB letter, bullied to have additional parking by ‘neighborhood vigilantes’; this ordinance, if … Continued